Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Survival for the Rest of Us

I originally started a blog a while ago to keep track of different recipes I had tried, changed, and liked. You are welcome to check it out here:, but just so you know the three post that are on there now are likely to be the only ones there. 

I've decided since, that I needed a different type of blog. I wanted something that I could post whatever I wanted. I have been spending months lately a little to obsessed with trying to come up with the perfect preschool curriculum for my 2 ½ year old, but wouldn't it be great to share what I have found just in case there is at least one other lunatic out there looking for the same thing I am? 

I have also, recently been designing (very poorly) my own printables to use for things when weeks of being glued to my computer have not turned up the results I was looking for. Maybe, I should have a place to share those just in case there is just one more person just like me who wants them too. 

Now in recent conversation I have had a friend convince me to share more of my life experiences, struggles, and how I make it through. I have always tried to be very open about my life but taking it to a place where I might not properly say what I am trying to say makes me a little nervous. I have a deep rooted anxiety of being misunderstood but I love bouncing around ideas and learning from others. 

So here it is my disclaimer; I suck at grammar and spelling, and even writing most days. I am only an expert in my own life and experiences (okay not really). Do not take what I say as fact (and recommend doing this for everything else you hear), take what seems right to you and feel free to share your thoughts. I may post once a year or once a day, don’t expect consistency. All I ask to those few people that will read my blog is try to be open, understanding and non-judgmental and I promise to do the same. There will never be one right way of thinking, believing and living. Welcome and enjoy the ramblings…

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